Authorship and Contributions

Authorship of Future X Journal represents those who have contributed substantially to the development of the paper. It is expected that the corresponding author has permission from all authors to submit each version of the paper and for any change in authorship.

All the authors have the responsibility for any paper that they co-author, by ensuring that the entire paper is accurate and represents a verifiable report of the research. The responsibility covers data reported in the paper, the analysis, write-up of the manuscript, and findings.

The authors of any article must indicate their specific contributions to the published work, and this will be published as a footnote in the paper. These include contributions related to:

  • Designed research;
  • Performed research;
  • Analysed data;
  • Authors who wrote the paper.

An author who may have contributed to one and more of the areas should be so listed.


Future X journal encourages all authors to use their ORCID identifier when submitting papers. ORCID provides is a digital identifier that helps to distinguish one researcher from all other researchers. It helps any reviewer to link the author to any other published articles by the author.

Corresponding Author

The corresponding author represents the single author responsible for the submission of the manuscript and all necessary manuscript information and interactions with the editorial office. The corresponding author is responsible for checking and ensuring the accuracy of the proofread and revised content after the article has been accepted for publication. This author’s name should be indicated on the title page.

Conflict of Interest

Future X journal expects that authors should declare any conflict of interest at the submission of the manuscript. Noncompliance to this may result in author sanctions. The authors should also disclose any association(s) that may pose a financial or personal competing interest in connection with the manuscript. All funding sources in support of the study must be acknowledged. Members, reviewers, and editors evaluating a manuscript will be required also to disclose any association with the author(s) that might constitute a conflict of interest.


Individuals who participated in the development of a manuscript but do not qualify as authors should be acknowledged. These may include organisations that provided support in terms of funding and/or other resources (e.g. research assistants, the institution of the researcher, etc.).

Author Responsibilities

At the submission of the manuscript, the authors are required to complete the online form, disclose any conflict of interests, and acknowledge all funding sources supporting the work. The corresponding author must ensure that all authors have disclosed any conflict of interest.

Editor and Reviewer Responsibilities

Reviewers and editors of Future X journal must disclose any association with the authors that might point towards a conflict of interest in connection with the manuscript. Referees and editors are asked to recuse themselves from handling a paper if the conflict of interest makes them unable to make an impartial scientific judgment or evaluation. If a referee or editor has a conflict of interest but believes that such interest does not preclude his or her making a fair judgment, the full disclosure of the nature of such interest should be made to the journal.


Future X journal will correct minor typographical mistakes that are discovered after the article has been published. Such errors include the names of authors that do not affect the scientific results in the article. An application seeking such correction will be made on a prescribed form provided by Future X.

Future X will also publish corrections of errors that do not alter the overall results or conclusions of a published article. Request for such corrections should be sent to the journal editor by the authors. Future X will review the application and determine the authenticity of the request.

Human and Animal Participants

Studies involving human and animal participants must have been approved by the author’s institutional review board. Authors must include the methodology applied in the selection and the institutional Review Committee/Board that approved the study. For all studies involving human participants, authors must also include a statement confirming that informed consent was obtained from all participants, or provide a statement why this was not necessary.

Name Changes

In the event that an author changes his/her name as a result of marriage or desires to change the order in which the initials appear, a formal application should be sent to Future X journal. Future X will work on each request to ensure that the change is made quickly, accurately, and confidentially. The names and initials will be updated in all versions of the article (HTML and PDF).

Open Access

Open Access is a publication model that enables the dissemination of research articles to the global community without restriction through the internet. Future X will maintain the open-access model for all articles, without cost to the reader immediately upon publication.

Previous Publication

Authors must ensure that submitted manuscripts have not been published previously or concurrently submitted for publication elsewhere. What constitutes prior publication must take into account many criteria, including the extent of review, and will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Related manuscripts that are in press or submitted elsewhere must be included with a Future X submission.

Research Misconduct

There should be no fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism in the submitted article(s). If cases of suspected or alleged misconduct are observed in the manuscripts submitted, Future X journal will follow the recommended procedures from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) who are dealing with such cases. Future X journal may evaluate issues with text, data, or figures that are brought to our direct attention and may request from the authors, the source of data, descriptions of how the results were obtained, or how figures were prepared.

Statistical Analysis

The use of statistical analyses covers all forms of data, primary or secondary. The author(s) should indicate:

  • the source and versions of all software used, and
  • full information on the statistical methods and measures used for each table and figure, such as a statistical test, estimates of parameters, exact sample sizes, and measures of evidence strength (if applicable).


Future X will treat all submitted manuscripts as confidential material and will not disclose submitted manuscripts to anyone else except the editorial staff, corresponding authors, reviewers, and editors who are involved in processing and preparing the manuscript for publication.  However, in the event of suspected cases of misconduct, a manuscript may be revealed to members of the Future X ethics committee and Regenesys to resolve the misconduct. Future X will follow the appropriate COPE procedures wherever necessary.

Copyright of Published Articles

Future X journal does not own the copyright of the published article. The authors retain the copyright to their articles and may republish these articles as part of a book or other materials. However, author(s) may retain the copyright ownership of a published article, if they meet the following condition:

  • The authors should cite the original source of the publication when reusing the article;
  • Accept that the article remains published by the Future X website (except on the occasion of a retraction of the article);
  • The article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License; and
  • The article is open access.

Article Publishing Charges (APC)

Authors are required to pay an article publishing of $250.00  for any article published in Future X journal. However, the staff of Regenesys Business School may apply for a discounted rate. Payment is due on receiving confirmation from the Editor that the article has been accepted for publication in a particular issue of the Journal. Payment should be made directly to the Future X Administration, and proof of payment submitted to the Editor to avoid any possible delay in the publication of the article.


Authors who require reprints of articles can apply to the Editor and will be required to pay a prescribed fee.

Absolvement of Future X

Opinions expressed in the Future X journal are, however, those of the individual authors, and are not necessarily subscribed to by the Editor, Editorial Committee, or the Editorial Board.